tudae went wib mr.ah benq to dental; now moi teeth hurts badly :[ had it changed to orange colour.. urghs`moi teeth goinq to b beri ugly soon` cus,it's gonna pull back n gort those gaps.. hmms.. wonderinq how i look like.. dorts..after e dental,we went to haf our lunch' went to stege to ask for moii second piercinq at moi tongue; cus moii tongue was short,so i thut can't pierce.. in-fact he sae CAN!! lols,bud it will b beri gao wei` cus it's near to e throat n usually his customer will take it oud after a few daes' cus of e painess and will choke till when sleepinq.. he intro miie to do inner-piercinq' cus it's more IN now~ e.g like- piercinq thru ur hand 'neck.. n fcukinq hell cost $14o!! i was stunn-ed..
hua- lookinq at miie wib those face' wahs,nort again lorhs. look at ur pattern u sure wan liaos.. faint -.- miie- ehs,ii wanted to pierce moii hand lonq time ago leis`somemore.. i dint noe here gort internal piercinq lorhs=/ hua- aiyahs' u can pierce aniwhere bud nort hand larhs' damn ah lian nors. shopowner- lookinq at us.. ' so how? miie- hmms' ii shell consider bahs` ths aniwae~
headed to carpark-smokinq..
hua- speechless!!! miie- ehs' why don wan toke? u wan miie pierce whr? tongue or hand? hua- BOTH DON WAN can?!! miie- hmms,bud ii wish to pierce ehs :[ hua- dorts` anithinq bahs.. both of us snook awhile -__-
hua- o.0 whr u goinq? miie- go back bahs :] hua- it's so damn shockinq dat u decided nort to pierce.. miie- haish` nvms bahs' tis type of thinq cnt rush de' anytime oso can pierce..
moii final decision.. ' i discuss wib him at raiders.. I WAN TO PIERCE moi NECK :D e shop person told miie dat if pierce behind ur neck will b 2holes` lols.. ii tink liaos' it's like` gosh.. machiam like gif vampire bite =x hahas..
i'm so damn fan now :[ where shd i pierce? duhs~
now moii teeth damn fcukinq pain- hais.. ii cant eat hard food.. all i nd now ish jus porridge.